Monday, April 23, 2012


 On last Monday my dad, my sister Erin and I went to BSF. BSF is Bible Study Fellowship. We were studying the book of James. We studied Chapters 3,4 and 5 (but right now I want to consontrate on Capter 3)  Our theme was "The Untamable Tounge" from chapter 3. It gives us 3 examples about how one bridel (from verse 3), one rudder (verse 4), and one little spark (in verse 6), these somewhat small things, can control or make something much bigger. In the same way the tounge, one of the smallest organs in the body, is very powerful. From it we have this beautiful world. In verse 9 it says..." With it (the tounge) we praise our God and with it we curse man."  Later in verse 11 it says... "Can both salt and fresh water flow from the same fountain?" Not many people realize how the tounge can have a major inpact on someone. In verse 8 it says..."But no human being can tame the tounge."

 My blog is named Laba Laba because I like to talk. In Jamaica if you call someone a laba laba it means you talk a lot.
 I know that I have to be truthful in what I say, because what I says could have an impact on other's lives.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Baby's Name

Well I was just talking to my Grandma (we are still at her house)
and she asked if I got a text from my dad last night.
I told her no because my phone is dead from yesterday's excitment.
I understood her too well.
I screamed, "Is it?"
"YES"  she says
"Is it one we talked about last night?" I asked
That is my new baby brother's name.

Now after my excitment...well some of grandma, Erin,
Allison and I will go to the mall for Manies and Petties!
Then we will go to the Easter Service at my grandma's church.
I cant wait to post the pics...
If only my phone was not dead 

Friday, April 6, 2012


 Wow we have had an exciting and busy time lately. My dad, Allison, Pickle, and myself flew back to Texas, 11 days ago...My mom, Erin, and little brother flew back a month ago...Why? Because my mom was pregnant with my fith syboling. I say "was" becaus he was born today. (I will post pics soon) He was born at 12:37pm, weighing 9lbs 10oz, 21 inches.
  I refer to him as "He" because he does not have a name yet, but as soon as I find out the name I will post it along with some pics.
   This is how my day has gone....

 We (my grandma,Pickle,and me) were going to pick up my little cousin...We got her and started to head back to my Grandma's house when we got a call to head to the hospital,we took my little cousin back. When we got to the hospital we got to see my mom for a little while, next we had to go to the waiting room. I waited for what seemed like forerver (well seemed like many hours) then I got a text from my dad saying he has been born!! My dad teased me a lot because I don't like hospitals...he was ADORABLE totally worth waiting for! 
 Now I am at my grandma's house about to start baking. Trust me I will post some pics soon....And please continue praying for my family.