Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Been a While

Sorry it has been a while... But I have had an exciting weekend.... Saturday evening we watched the Texas A&M football game. It was a very good game until after halftime... well actually until after the 3rd quarter. We'll just say OSU won by only  7 points.... Sunday was a usual go to Church,come home, evening AWANA, Wendy's, go to bed.....But at Wendy's, we had just gotten our food and the power went out!! Here in Jamaica though, that is not unusual. Anyways we had ate dinner in the dark except for the phone lights or passing cars. But it was my first experience Eating in the dark at Wendy's. It was..WEIRD!! No joke:) Luckily we had power but no water.... Yesterday was another day of boring schoolwork. But today we hung-out with our friends from Sandy Bay. Also today is their son's birthday. Tonight my parents have Bible study at the church. Then tomorrow will be a regular school day.... well with my family it might not be a "regular day" We are always doing something, like preparing for our work team that will be coming Saturday.. Please pray that it will go well and there will be no injuries.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well, you might be able to tell where this is going, but....Yesterday evening I made dinner. My grandpa's Mac'n Cheese. Well the recipe calls for Evaporated Milk. So I reached for the milk but instead of it I accidentally grabbed Sweetened Condensed Milk..... It is very thick!  I put it in the mixture of cheese. OH No, Oh Yes. It got very thick.....something was wrong, I just could feel it. So I tried it,Yuck!!! So sweet! I felt soooooo bad, a whole box of  Velveta Cheese, Wasted! I felt so bad that when I talked to mom, I cried.  So we wound-up useing it in Caso, it was sweet but better.   You know how parents are always telling you to read the labels? Well I have learned my lesson.
1. Read labels!!!
2. Listen to parent's advice
3. Always double check what your doing
4. If something does not seem right, check yourself,  No Joke! 
5. Tast it!!!  There is nothing wrong with that.

   The majior lesson for me is......it's ok taking advice..

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today has been a beautiful day. We have had rain, but school was, well not my favorite.
Also at the school that the deaf attend, is going well. We are enjoying it here in Jamaica, but I miss my friends and family. Its is sometimes hard being away from them,but at the same time I like meeting new people. And we all thank God for them. And it is not like we will not ever see them. Infact we will be seeing them in about a month.We will be going back at the begining of Nov. Yeah!! Well got to go :)  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friends Back

This was the first week of school here at  CCCD. It has been awsome having my friends back.  And now its not very quiet (in a good way) I love being abel to use my sign language. At first I was scared or shaky,because its been a while sence I have used my sign,but now I'm getting used to it:)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How do you 'See' God?

How do you see God? We can not actually see Him with our eyes, but we can see Him and learn about Him through his creation. For me, my 'God sightings' are sunsets. And here in Jamaica we have some beautiful sunsets. I mean how can someone see this and not think there is a God??
 This is at a beach called Doctors Cave.... Those black things in the water are trampolines

                                Wow right?


Today, We went to our church here in Montego Bay. This afternoon We will go to Awana. What is that? Awana stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, its a VBS type club. I am a group leader, I also help with the younger club. Sometimes it is challenging, but it has tought me a thing or two about patience. I am praying that tonight is not as crazy as last week. I'm also hoping that only the first week is crazy and not the second:)

What is Laba Laba?

Some of you may be wondering "What is Laba Laba?"  Here in Jamaica the native language is Patwa. And in Patwa, when you call someone a Laba Laba in means they talk a lot.  Some call me the mouth from the south and others call me Laba Laba.   

Being a MK

Being an MK, what is that? MK stands for Missionary Kid. That's what I am. 
  You might be wondering, What is it like being in a  foreign country? It is all a paradox. It can be hard, but at the same time it's an awesome experience. I will not forget that day we left, everyone was sad. But at the same time I was happy to be a MK. Happy that I get to do things that not a lot of kids get to do.  How many kids can say
" I'm a MK" ?    We do miss our family in "The States", but it helps to have family visit. (which mine has done)  

 Another hard thing is the weather. Right now it is 88 degrees. Not bad? Wrong 88 is not bad but add a ton of humidity, and it feels miserable. But the good thing is we are close to the ocean. So every once in a while we go to beach:) 

So how does ministry fit in? We (my family) are at the Caribbean  Christian Center for the Deaf aka CCCD.   Here we teach the deaf sign language and many other things.  School will be starting next Monday, the 12th of Sept.

 Some people ask " Do you like it here?"  Well, its  another paradox. I do miss my family and friends but some, well a lot of my friends are deaf here. Yes I do know a LOT of sign language.  Even some of my friends are the same age as me.  

Thanks be to God for this wonderful place