Monday, July 18, 2016


 Home, where is it? Is it where I am from, where I have been, or where I am going? Or could it be all of those? One question that has driven me crazy ever since I became a Third Culture Kid is this- "Which do you prefer, living in America or Jamaica?" They are both equally a part of me. Sure I can't live in both at the same time, but both are my home.
 We were in the US for over 11 months. We did so much and got to see so many people while we were there, but something really important happened while we were there- we have left CCCD, the organization we have been missionaries with for the last 5 years. As of October we have been asking God what are next assignment will be...9 months later we still don't know. We are currently back in Jamaica packing up our belongings and still waiting for God's perfect timing. Sure, it isn't easy, but you gotta learn to be patient. My best friend and I remind each other, when the topic comes up, that 'patience is a virtue'.  I’m not the world's most patient person, but through this process God is teaching me to be more patient and trust in him. I don't know where He will take us. There are several mission opportunities here on the island, possibly one  in Mexico, or anywhere, really! Wherever we end up, I know it will be the right place at just the right time. I know this because God has a history of doing just that.
 Life isn’t all hunky dory, though. I still have a lot of questions about my future, college and scholarships to apply for, and school. (I do it year ‘round.) I don’t like not knowing where I will be living a month from now, but a really wise person told me not too long ago to ‘bloom where I’m planted’.  So, wherever I am, I need to be 100% there, not busy moping about things I can’t change.
 For the last month Philippians 4 has been on my heart for some reason. I love how Paul said not to be anxious about anything! He says to talk to God about it. Not only does this part (Phil 4:6)  help me in my current situation, but Paul goes on to say something even more amazing, he said he knows what it’s like to have everything and then nothing, he knows the secret to being content. I haven’t been through half of what Paul went through, so if he can be content so can I. 

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