Monday, July 25, 2016

"Everybody Likes Kung Fu Fighting"

 On the weekends here in Jamaica I have Kung Fu classes. I've enjoyed doing Kung Fu for over a year now and here's what a normal day looks like- 
 Kung Fu practice begins with our first warm up exercise: 10 laps on the stairs up to the third floor of the building- up and back down is one lap. Next, we will then line up in 3 lines; usually 3-4 people are in each line. I’m in front. We start doing frog jumps. I squat and then extend my legs to jump as far as possible to land softly on the balls of my feet. My thighs are already burning as I continue across the parking lot. I look to my sides to see the others who were at the front of the other lines way ahead of me. My jumps are pathetically small. Still I keep on jumping. At least 5 laps later I can barely jump at all. Still I keep attempting to jump. When mercy is shown to the class we get a change of pace, slightly. Now we will do duck walks. Squat as low as possible and then walking/waddling across the same parking lot. I have no idea what’s going on in the minds of bystanders but I don’t dwell on it too long because pain is at the forefront of my mind. Not only are there pains in my legs during this exercise but as we make it to each end we will have to do push-ups.  All this back and forth across the asphalt teaches you to keep your balance because falling flat on your face really doesn’t feel good! (Some times if we are "lucky" we also get to do bear crawls, floor sweeps, and wheelbarrows.) Eventually our warm ups aka: slow and painful deaths are over for the time being. We grab a partner at this point and we’ll begin practicing our kicks, punches, and blocks on each other.  Tired and aching legs make this feel impossible. Speed isn’t a factor, yet. Precision is our goal. Slow movements build muscle memory and muscles in general.  We start by not using our blocks because it helps both you and your partner get the punches and kicks in the right places. Just because they are doing it slowly doesn’t mean that your partner won’t accidentally kick you in the ribs, hard. It’s a relief when you are given the ok to start using your blocks. It’s even cooler to start blocking and then catching your partner off guard with an unanticipated round house kick.
  Saying I’m sweaty at this point feels like an understatement! Saying I’m drenched in sweat and my clothes are all wet from it barely cuts it. By now we are over half way done and the remaining 30-45 minutes will be spent either doing self-defense maneuvers, sparing, or doing forms.  Sparing and self defense are pretty self-explanatory and while waiting my turn I’ll usually be off to the side stretching out my legs. Forms are a series of moves (kicks, punches, and blocks) that are performed at competitions. I am one of 4 that are currently doing the Pyramid Form. This has 28 moves. I know them all by heart, but we are working on perfecting these moves. I get stuck at a point where I pivot into a stance with my right leg bent at a right angle in front of me and my left leg stretched out behind me with my foot flat on the ground. My fault in this move is my left leg isn’t always perfectly straight. It is extremely frustrating to not get it right even though I know what to do in my head. But, in my head, my legs are still pleading for mercy. When we are finished I am filled with a mix of exhaustion, relief, hunger, and thirst. And I walk away on numb spaghetti legs. 
 I have been doing Kung Fu for a while now and at times I will leave feeling sick and I still end up hurting. My legs will hurt. My shoulders will hurt. My knees, ankles, ribs, hips, back-everywhere will hurt!  I have practice on the weekends and then the pain will last well into Wednesday. So why do I submit myself to this torture? Why am I ok with being covered in sweat? Why do I make myself look like a fool waddling across a parking lot where anyone could see me? Why do I push myself, continually? I ask myself these questions all week long especially when I am stretching out my stiff legs. But if you were to ask me right after I finally get home, have drunk a ton of water, and had a cold shower I might say something like “Because if I survived this week I can make it through another practice next week”, or “I know that I will regret it later if I quit now”, or “ because I enjoy exerting myself”. Most importantly I prove to myself each week that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me(Philippians 4:13)

Monday, July 18, 2016


 Home, where is it? Is it where I am from, where I have been, or where I am going? Or could it be all of those? One question that has driven me crazy ever since I became a Third Culture Kid is this- "Which do you prefer, living in America or Jamaica?" They are both equally a part of me. Sure I can't live in both at the same time, but both are my home.
 We were in the US for over 11 months. We did so much and got to see so many people while we were there, but something really important happened while we were there- we have left CCCD, the organization we have been missionaries with for the last 5 years. As of October we have been asking God what are next assignment will be...9 months later we still don't know. We are currently back in Jamaica packing up our belongings and still waiting for God's perfect timing. Sure, it isn't easy, but you gotta learn to be patient. My best friend and I remind each other, when the topic comes up, that 'patience is a virtue'.  I’m not the world's most patient person, but through this process God is teaching me to be more patient and trust in him. I don't know where He will take us. There are several mission opportunities here on the island, possibly one  in Mexico, or anywhere, really! Wherever we end up, I know it will be the right place at just the right time. I know this because God has a history of doing just that.
 Life isn’t all hunky dory, though. I still have a lot of questions about my future, college and scholarships to apply for, and school. (I do it year ‘round.) I don’t like not knowing where I will be living a month from now, but a really wise person told me not too long ago to ‘bloom where I’m planted’.  So, wherever I am, I need to be 100% there, not busy moping about things I can’t change.
 For the last month Philippians 4 has been on my heart for some reason. I love how Paul said not to be anxious about anything! He says to talk to God about it. Not only does this part (Phil 4:6)  help me in my current situation, but Paul goes on to say something even more amazing, he said he knows what it’s like to have everything and then nothing, he knows the secret to being content. I haven’t been through half of what Paul went through, so if he can be content so can I. 

Friday, October 2, 2015


  Let me start from the beginning. We came from Jamaica to Texas to have my new little brother. He was born 2 1/2 weeks ago. Christian weighed a whopping 10 pounds!!!! He is a good baby,though. He sleeps a ton. I know babies do that, but he sleeps a lot it seems. Now that he is here we have been keeping busy with other things. Pickle, Matthew,and Zachary have been playing soccer and they are loving it. Pickle enjoys being goalie while Matthew likes playing forward. Zac just likes to just run with the ball; last week he scored a goal! Erin and Allison are doing gymnastics and they both love it! So what am I doing? No sports right now. I came hoping to play volleyball, but that hasn't been God's plan. Instead right now I have been busy studying for the PSAT. Yeah! (not) I have also been helping out at my old school here- Redeemer Lutheran School. Allison and the boys are going there for this semester. 
 So now what? We will be staying here through the end of the year. Our first team of 2016 comes the second week of January. We have about 3 more months here!! We are all loving being back, but I am starting to miss our dogs in Jamaica. Oh well, on the bright side I do get to see my dog who is with my Best Friend (I had to leave him when we originally went to Jamaica).
 What else? I have driven the last 2 days and I'm hoping to get enough hours to get my license this year Lord willing. We are also in the process of moving today from my grandma's house (where we have been) to a mission house. Allison's birthday will be coming up later this month so she is excited! Other than that things will settle down for a little while. 
 This is a fairly short post, but I will try to update it as things happen. Bye for now! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015


I don't normally journal, but when I do its usually for something important to me. Here is part of an entry from earlier this week- 
   I started a new devo called Praying for Your Elephant. Cheesy, but something, not impulse, quickly urged me to do it!  As the title suggests it was about not limiting ourselves in prayer. It seems true that we place limits on what we can and can’t ask for. Usually the impossible we tend to overlook because maybe God won’t care or it’s not important enough to bother asking….. First I do believe God is interested in what we want. Second, I sometimes feel that he dares us to ask for the “impossible” just to show us that He can! He’s done it for me before!
    Back to the devo- the Bible verse was John 14:13 “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”  There’s another verse that talks about being confident when asking God for something…And I asked God “What does a bold prayer look like? Could it be asking for food and water in the desert, or God’s help to build a wall? Then I get to that moment when I almost make God a deal. Like- “Ok if you do this, I’ll do that”. But there’s a verse about keeping promises to God (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5)….So I sat there wondering what bold prayer I can ask…I remembered promises that had been made to me that weren't fulfilled and then I had it! I made my bold prayer and I could almost feel like God was smiling saying “that’s more like it!” God taught me that bold prayers don’t have to be this big miracle (but they can), they can be some small task that 10 seconds ago we might have thought to be impossible or unimportant! I believe He cares though. If the little noisy (probably dirty) kids were valued by Jesus, wouldn't God understand what seems important to us? He did live on this Earth after all, and He made it, I think He understands it all perfectly! My challenge to whoever reads this is this- Pray for anything right now! Have no doubt (even if it seems hard!), I’m waiting for my prayer to be answered! I’m not saying you’ll get it! I’m saying have faith that you will, and if it lines up with God’s plan, it’ll happen! Pray and wait for your elephant to show up!


Saturday, February 28, 2015


Wow, it's hard to believe that February is almost done! One thing I have noticed so far in my life is that time goes by so fast! I know it's been a while since I last updated my blog, so let me fill you in on some things that have happened-

  • Daniel kid # 7 is on its way, and due around September 20th 
  • We were back in the States for Christmas and got to travel and see people from all over the US! We were in 14 states in 3 1/2 weeks!! 
  • Saw the Corvette Museum, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, City Museum (Missouri), Children's Museum (North Carolina) just to name a few :) 
  • Got to visit my old school.
  • I got my Driver's Permit :) :)
  • I got to fly a plane :) :) (I'm interested in being a pilot, and got to go on a Discovery flight) 
  • Ali finished 3rd grade this week!
  • Already hosted a few work teams
  • Got a German Shepard puppy to replace our guard dog who died 
  • Met a new missionary family who is new to the island
  • Soon will be saying Goodbye to a missionary family that is going back to America
  • Tomorrow will be my parents' anniversary
 As you can see we are busy! Our next work team will be coming in a week, so we will get even busier then. (Busy in a good way though :)
 Please be in prayer for our church here, We are currently renting a couple of rooms where we have our services, but  are looking to buy a building. Please pray that it can happen soon and without any problems; our church is growing and it's time to move!

 Right now as I type this, Erin and Pickle are playing the game of Life. I think it illustrates real life in a way. It seems to take a while to play, but step back and look at it, and its really short. In real life it might seem that we have lots of time to do things, but in reality, life is short. Don't waste your life. There are many paths to take (just like in the game), and we all eventually die. Then what? We have an eternity to either live with God, or without him. The crazy thing is it seem so easy, and it is. Jesus came and died for our sins. It's simple, yet huge! The choices we make (or don't make) will effect our lives forever. Jesus loves us and wants us to spend an eternity in Heaven with him!

 "Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, becaus you know that your labor is not in vain."  1 Corinthians 15: 58

1/3 of 2014

Wow I cant believe we are already 1/3 of the way through 2014!! Sounds Crazy!!!!! Its been busy here! We have had      teams come and go and a total of      people in and outta here! I hav worked with some, and had a blast! One exciting project that is being worked on is a road from the front gate all the way down to the dorms! Its been hard work, because we have had to mix alllllllllll the concrete and wheelbarrow it! Dont get me wrong, its pretty fun!
 Im proud to say I have made some new friends (that do keep in touch) which for an MK can be hard...
I also have found a new band that I really enjoy listening to-Anthem Lights. I love the music and lyrics. One of my fav lines is "'s noting for You, it's too much for me, it's over my head, it's under Your feet!" This is from their song Lifeline, and it talks about how we cant make it on our own and we need to give up and let God take control.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gone and Back


 OK soooooooooo I haven't blogged in like forever!!!! And here is why- We went back to Texas on Nov. 13 (surprise!!!!) We went and crashed my uncle's b-day party!!! most of our family was there and trust me, they were all either in tears or in shock!!!! lol!! We had fun celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas (both were spent with both sides of the family), and New Years!!! It was tons of fun seeing family, friends, shopping, eating lots food I haven't had in forever, seeing my dog, and SLEEPING IN!!  We got back to humid Jamaica on Jan. 4. We got home and we realized we didn't have our house keys. So we had to wait until Dad could go and get them...But tis good to be back, sleep in my own BED (emphasis on "bed"), and already have a team here!! The deaf students are starting to come back to school as well! Also today was my brothers' fist day back to school!! I think they had fun because the came back happy. Alright Im gonna stop talking now and let ya see some pics that were taken back in Texas......                                                                                                                 

       This is one of my better out-of-the-plane-window pics                                 Pickle at the airport


3 generations of girls in my family

A cute pic of Zac

 Me and my Grammie

                           Ali and her friend...
                                                                             Me and my Buddy :)

So we had fun and I took a lot of selfies! All 6 weeks were fun, but went by wwwwwaaaayyyyyy to quickly!!!!!!! I'm glad to be back to my Jamaican home!
Already we have had over a 100 people on campus! Right now we don't have a group :/
But we will in a little over week!!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Soon Come

    Well I haven't blogged in a while and I'm sorry...I have been busy with school...
 Our team season is winding down. We only have two more teams for the year :/ Also we will be going back to the states for Christmas, we leave on December 4!!!!!!  We all are excited, but we have some needs- We need a vehicle that will seat 8 people and a place to stay. God has provided so far and I know He will continue...
 Yesterday we celebrated Ali's birthday (she will be 8 on Wed.) ! Her birthday cake was a Texas Sheet Cake topped with Oreos and pink shimmer icing!!! Mine and Bubba's (Matthew) are coming up soon too! Mine is on Nov. 5, and Bubba's the 7th.
I have decided to post a pic of the family....
This was taken at JDV (the Jamaican Deaf Village). We are all wearing Hog Wild shirts.
Hog Wild For Jesus is a ministry in Alabama. Here is a YouTube link to see what they do- 
I recently did Council Time in our Awana program . It was called "Soap and Pepper".  It was fun and I think our kids enjoyed it! I took a bowl of water, this represented the world before Adam and Eve sinned: clean and perfect. But after they sinned the world was full of sin and all who live in it have sin in their lives too, so to demonstrate this I added pepper. Now I asked a child to come up and stick their finger in the water, what happened? The pepper all rushed onto their finger, just like we are all sinful from the moment we were born. But we all have hope! (now I called up someone else) The soap we used represented Jesus and if we have Jesus in our life we are kept save from all evil in the world!! Soap was put on a finger and then we put the finger in the water (remember the finger now represents a Christian) and the end result was that the soap (Christ) 'repelled' the pepper (sin) and not one speck was one the finger! This is a great way to show God's forgiveness using household items! Go ahead and try it!! 
 I'm gonna close with this: I have herd all that is going on in America and I just want to give a few verses of encouragement to all who are about to experience some major changes...
  Isaiah 49:3- He said to me "You are my servant in whom I will display my splendor"
 Matthew 5:10,12- Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is  the kingdom of Heaven ...Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in Heaven, for in the same ways  they persecuted the prophets before you.
 Matthew 28:20- "And surely I am with you, even to the end of the age."
    Also read Isaiah 53!!
                                                                  Bye for now

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

 We had a beautiful rainbow

Ali with Shannon and Hollie
Pastor Titus and his "shiny" head!
I had fun playing photography with a rose.

                                                                                                                     Rose and my guitar
                                          One of my favs                                     Pretty lizard!

                                                 weird but cool bug

Awesome moon pics!!


                                                               Cool Sunset!!
We went to Ocho Rios the first week of August and I (of course) had fun with photography!
 This is a Doctor Bird, the Jamaican national bird
This is a bored photographer...

 The view from where we stayed in Ochie


                    So here are some pics that were taken while we were in Ocho Rios

Swimming in the pool     



                                                                   Eating Lunch


 Zachary going through the menu :)

                                               My brothers asleep and bubba using my mask

We celebrated my Dad's birthday. We tattooed our hands with puppets and they sang Happy Birthday

                                              This is the night view from our place

                                And this cruise ship pulled into the harbor as we were leaving.
So we have had fun this month except the fact that I have been doing A TON of schoolwork.
But I guess its ok, also today I signed a song in church. It was Wonderful Merciful Savior by Selah.
                                                 Well that's all for now