OK soooooooooo I haven't blogged in like forever!!!! And here is why- We went back to Texas on Nov. 13 (surprise!!!!) We went and crashed my uncle's b-day party!!! most of our family was there and trust me, they were all either in tears or in shock!!!! lol!! We had fun celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas (both were spent with both sides of the family), and New Years!!! It was tons of fun seeing family, friends, shopping, eating lots food I haven't had in forever, seeing my dog, and SLEEPING IN!! We got back to humid Jamaica on Jan. 4. We got home and we realized we didn't have our house keys. So we had to wait until Dad could go and get them...But tis good to be back, sleep in my own BED (emphasis on "bed"), and already have a team here!! The deaf students are starting to come back to school as well! Also today was my brothers' fist day back to school!! I think they had fun because the came back happy. Alright Im gonna stop talking now and let ya see some pics that were taken back in Texas......
This is one of my better out-of-the-plane-window pics Pickle at the airport
3 generations of girls in my family
A cute pic of Zac
Me and my Buddy :)
So we had fun and I took a lot of selfies! All 6 weeks were fun, but went by wwwwwaaaayyyyyy to quickly!!!!!!! I'm glad to be back to my Jamaican home!
Already we have had over a 100 people on campus! Right now we don't have a group :/
But we will in a little over week!!!!