More scenery...
Here is the Kingston campus
While we were there we saw a pretty cool lizard!
(in the second pic, the lizard is in the center, but well camouflaged!)
Here is the Knockpatrick campus
Then we headed back to Montego Bay.
Mom's rose bushes (that she got for her anniversary) have really started producing some blooms!
And here are some more pics...
I got to lead Council Time at Awana last Sunday!
Zac are you reading already? Lol!
Ali's lego flower
And I am happy because I now have my own room!!! It is the first time in 2 tears, oh sure I gave up a/c for it but it was worth it!!! I will soon be starting to put leopard print up on the wall. Actually I was going to yesterday, but when I tried mixing colors to get a bark brown/black, I got GREY!!!!!! I am not sure how that happened, but now I am waiting for black paint...I need to be going now, but there is a verse from the Bible that I want to share with you. It is from Psalm 150:6 Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!