Well, this month we have been busy that is why it has been a while. But now I have a story to tell. This is one of my favorits and I hope you enjoy it.
Imagine that you are a girl, a jewish girl. And King Zerxes, the king of your province summons you to come to the palace. What would you do? Here is what Esther did. She went to the palace. The king was pleased with her and gave her beauty treatments for 12 months! Wow, would you enjoy that? Well after that the king became pleased with her and she became queen. But Esther kept her nationality a secret. Now your cousin is not liked by one of the king's advisors. The same cousin that raised you. He finds out that Haman, the advisor, is angry with the Jews, well your cousin in particular, and wants to kill the Jews. Now the king approves of this scheem. Mordecai, your cousin, hears about this and tells you that you must help your people, your Jewish people. He tells you to go to the king, he tells you this might be your porpose of becoming queen, he tells you to be brave. Back then you could not go to the king unless summond. But three days later Esther went to the king, and asked him and Haman to join her for supper. When they came for dinner she asked if they would come again tomorrow. Haman went home that night happy that only him and the king were invited to dinner with the queen, but he is still displeased with Mordecai. So his wife sugested that he has a 75ft tall gallow built to hang Mordecai on. Also that night the king could not sleep well, he had the record of his reign brought to him and read. He remembers Mordecai had once saved his life, so he asks the attendent how had Mordecai been rewarded? Nothing is his answer. The next day the king asked Haman "What should be done for someone the king delights to honor?" Well Haman, thinking of himself, says he should be dressed in the King's royal robe and ride one of the King's horses. And the horse should be lead through the city with the man on its back. The king said to do this to Mordecai...so where is Esther? That night she holds another meal for the King and Haman. Then she pleas for her life. The king is angry with what Haman has done and he is hung on the same gallow ment for Modecai. After that Modecai takes Haman's place. And that is not the end, the King decides to let the Jews live, and gives them rights to defend themselves.
Do think this really haappend? Well yes it did. Why is this my favorite story? Well because I think it was cool that Esther stood-up for her people and was not afraid to. I hope you like it. You can find this story in Esther chapters 1-10.
That is all for now, it is almost dinner time. The students here have now left for summer break and it is very quiet. Later ~ Lexi