Sunday, November 11, 2012

I'm Still Here

 I'm still here, we have had a lot of fun lately.
Ali is now 7, Bubba now 3 (big boy), I'm now 14

 We have had a great time also with our inter who will be leaving on Thursday...We will be celebrating Thanksgiving here with other missionary friends.
 Today in Children's Church we had 43 kids in one room, its the recipe for CRAZINESS! And tonight is Awana. Awana is a club, at church, where kids come to play games, memorize Bible verses, and have Bible stories. Our inter will be doing the story time this evening. Can't wait!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

This Week

                                                Yesterday I took my braids out.

 Jake our intern helped me

             Then I played with my hair!
          It was crazy friz! Also I wore it
               to chruch today.
             You know people should never
         truly grow up, don't worry  about others think.
Well I have to get ready for Awana, later.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September Has Come And Almost Gone

 We just got done hosting our September group called Samaritan's Feet. They were a great group of 15! They were all nice and I was happy
they brought their own interpreters so I didn't
have to. They will visit all our CCCD campuses.


 Dad and the leader who we nick-named "G" Man 
I got  to meet another Lexi!! (even though she spells her name Lexie she was fun)
      Shoe time!! This group brought over 800 pairs! Then they washed the staff and student's feet.   

 Bath time for our dogs!
    Well, we have almost been here for 2 years. It is hard to believe, but true.  We have had a busy last few weeks. Zac, two weeks ago, had to go to the hospital. It was a long night and morning, (we went to bed at 3 am) but we are all happy that he is ok now. Also some more news is our pastor (here at the school) and his wife are going to have a baby soon, and we have 2 new students. And best of all my best friend's family just had their 6th kid! Congrats! In addition to this all  my grandma will be coming the 3rd week in October. And we will have our first guy intern coming in early October, we have had him befor on teams and can't wait to see him again.
                                                                                                           Bye for now and God bless,
                                                                                                                      Lexi aka LabaLaba :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012


 This month we have done a lot. My dad's birthday was on the 7th. Also, yesterday instead of school we had field day. It was a lot of fun, but afterwards I felt very tierd!!! Here are some pics... 
Also we skateborded, jump roped, ran, flew kites, but somehow we did not get pics of those things.

Well, I can't think of much else to say, really I can't even though I am a laba laba.

             Bye for now,

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cuz You'r Hot and You'r Cold

Well, today I experienced hot and cold. Here in Jamaica its hot and yesterday in Texas it was 106. Its funny because today at church I had goose-bumps, when not even 24 hours ago it was 106 in my home town, but as soon as the AC was turned off I was sweating again. It reminds me of life. In particular Job's life. He had kids, wife, animals, and a lot of possessions. Then God, testing Job, allowed Satan to take away his possessions, family, and animals. Then Job got sores, his wife and friends told him to curse God, but he didn't. He remained faithful and God rewarded him with more than what he to begin with. Job's life was a paradox, but through the good and the bad, the hot and the cold, he still praised God. I hope that I can do the same in my life.

Right now my family and I are experiencing a paradox. My great grandmother died 2 Wednesday's ago. We miss her but I'm happy t say that she IS in a better place where she does not suffer in this painful world. And I can't wait to see her, all better, in Heaven.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

June and July

Ok, so we have had a fun our first month back in Jamaica.  The students have been gone so life here was getting boring. Here are some pics to sshow what we have been up to.

  Playing cards with our intern Kayla

Washing the cars in the rain because the water was off.

This is Ali her graduation       

And more..

                                    Swimming and having fun                                       

Bubba riding Pickle's bike...Big boy now

Well I need to go get ready for VBS at our church. I'll try to write more later.

Friday, June 29, 2012

This Month

Well, this month we have been busy that is why it has been a while. But now I have a story to tell. This is one of my favorits and I hope you enjoy it.
  Imagine that you are a girl, a jewish girl. And King Zerxes, the king of your province summons you to come to the palace. What would you do? Here is what Esther did. She went to the palace. The king was pleased with her and gave her beauty treatments for 12 months! Wow, would you enjoy that?  Well after that the king became pleased with her and she became queen. But Esther kept her nationality a secret. Now your cousin is not liked by one of the king's advisors. The same cousin that raised you. He finds out that Haman, the advisor, is angry with the Jews, well your cousin in particular, and wants to kill the Jews. Now the king approves of this scheem. Mordecai, your cousin, hears about this and tells you that you must help your people, your Jewish people. He tells you to go to the king, he tells you this might be your porpose of becoming queen, he tells you to be brave. Back then you could not go to the king unless summond. But three days later Esther went to the king, and asked him and Haman to join her for supper. When they came for dinner she asked if they would come again tomorrow. Haman went home that night happy that only him and the king were invited to dinner with the queen, but he is still displeased with Mordecai. So his wife sugested that he has a 75ft tall gallow built to hang Mordecai on. Also that night the king could not sleep well, he had the record of his reign brought to him and read. He remembers Mordecai had once saved his life, so he asks the attendent how had Mordecai been rewarded? Nothing is his answer. The next day the king asked Haman "What should be done for someone the king delights to honor?" Well Haman, thinking of himself, says he should be dressed in the King's royal robe and ride one of the King's horses. And the horse should be lead through the city with the man on its back. The king said to do this to where is Esther? That night she holds another meal for the King and Haman. Then she pleas for her life. The king is angry with what Haman has done and he is hung on the same gallow ment for Modecai. After that Modecai takes Haman's place. And that is not the end, the King decides to let the Jews live, and gives them rights to defend themselves. 
   Do think this really haappend? Well yes it did. Why is this my favorite story? Well because I think it was cool that Esther stood-up for her people and was not afraid to. I hope you like it. You can find this story in Esther chapters 1-10.

           That is all for now, it is almost dinner time. The students here have now left for summer break and it is very quiet.   Later       ~       Lexi

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What's Been Going On

 Sorry it has been a while since I last blogged. I have been busy and will tell you about it.
  Zac' my newest little brother is doing great!! He did not cry a lot on our way to Missouri. We had to go to Missouri to return a rented van from a ministry called Righteous Rides. It was great but when we had Zac our family became a family of 8...the van was only 7 passenger. God first provided a small 5 passenger car, from then on out we had to take 2 vehicles.Then they sold the car, that same day a guy from church let us borrow a truck.. We were taking two vehicles everywhere. Then we meet a man at Beautiful Feet  (a place where the homeless in downtown Forth Worth can get some food) who let us borrow his 8 passenger van...Thank God for it!!!   So Yesterday we brought the 7 passenger back to Missouri, Then we came to Illinois to visit some supporters and friends.  Later we will go to one's graduation party.
 Other than this not a lot of anything else has been happening except for seeing some friends, family, and horse-back riding with my BFF...It was a TON of fun!!! Also I went to Barns and Noble with my Aunt to get the next book in my favorite series called Out of Sight Out of Time. It is GREAT!!! I have reads it 3 times in almost a week.

                  Well I should probably go now...Hope to write again soon,

Monday, April 23, 2012


 On last Monday my dad, my sister Erin and I went to BSF. BSF is Bible Study Fellowship. We were studying the book of James. We studied Chapters 3,4 and 5 (but right now I want to consontrate on Capter 3)  Our theme was "The Untamable Tounge" from chapter 3. It gives us 3 examples about how one bridel (from verse 3), one rudder (verse 4), and one little spark (in verse 6), these somewhat small things, can control or make something much bigger. In the same way the tounge, one of the smallest organs in the body, is very powerful. From it we have this beautiful world. In verse 9 it says..." With it (the tounge) we praise our God and with it we curse man."  Later in verse 11 it says... "Can both salt and fresh water flow from the same fountain?" Not many people realize how the tounge can have a major inpact on someone. In verse 8 it says..."But no human being can tame the tounge."

 My blog is named Laba Laba because I like to talk. In Jamaica if you call someone a laba laba it means you talk a lot.
 I know that I have to be truthful in what I say, because what I says could have an impact on other's lives.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Baby's Name

Well I was just talking to my Grandma (we are still at her house)
and she asked if I got a text from my dad last night.
I told her no because my phone is dead from yesterday's excitment.
I understood her too well.
I screamed, "Is it?"
"YES"  she says
"Is it one we talked about last night?" I asked
That is my new baby brother's name.

Now after my excitment...well some of grandma, Erin,
Allison and I will go to the mall for Manies and Petties!
Then we will go to the Easter Service at my grandma's church.
I cant wait to post the pics...
If only my phone was not dead 

Friday, April 6, 2012


 Wow we have had an exciting and busy time lately. My dad, Allison, Pickle, and myself flew back to Texas, 11 days ago...My mom, Erin, and little brother flew back a month ago...Why? Because my mom was pregnant with my fith syboling. I say "was" becaus he was born today. (I will post pics soon) He was born at 12:37pm, weighing 9lbs 10oz, 21 inches.
  I refer to him as "He" because he does not have a name yet, but as soon as I find out the name I will post it along with some pics.
   This is how my day has gone....

 We (my grandma,Pickle,and me) were going to pick up my little cousin...We got her and started to head back to my Grandma's house when we got a call to head to the hospital,we took my little cousin back. When we got to the hospital we got to see my mom for a little while, next we had to go to the waiting room. I waited for what seemed like forerver (well seemed like many hours) then I got a text from my dad saying he has been born!! My dad teased me a lot because I don't like hospitals...he was ADORABLE totally worth waiting for! 
 Now I am at my grandma's house about to start baking. Trust me I will post some pics soon....And please continue praying for my family.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Looking Through Pictures

I was looking through pictures from previous work teams. And thought you might enjoy them too.

We have had fun!!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


 It has been a while, and a lot has happened recently. My mom left and went back to Texas last Friday. With her went my little sister Erin and Matthew my youngest brother... My mom is pregnant with a little boy, the due date is April 18 :)  I want the name to be Zachary, but we still don't know. 

                  Also we have had some more teams and have had a good time

We have also had some beautiful scenery pics.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


 Sorry it has been such a while scence I last blogged. We have had several teams in last weeks, they have been have been great. We had a group from Bolling Green,Kentucky. It was awesome to have a group of kids my age. It was nice to have a week long brake.
 The group we have now is a group from New Jersey. They are fun already. It is a group of 16 people. There are 14 teens and 2 adults, they are all a little older than me. But, I still like it.   
 This Tuesday, is sports day. Sports day is like a field day. We have 2 house colors (teams) , the colors are blue and red. I am in red house and most of my sibilings are in blue house...of course.  Anyways this is an exciting week, hopfully I will have pictures later.

                                                                                                                                    -God Bless

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Feeling Bored

  Well to tell you the truth I'm feeling bored. We dropped off our 2nd team today, and we pick up the next team soon.
  But yesterday we had a blast at YS Falls. We jumped of a rope swing into a "pool" on the waterfall.
A LOT! I did jump about 15 times. It might not seem like a lot, but it really was. I will admit that I did do 2 bellyflops, and 1 backflop. (I'm sore today to prove it) We also zip lined. I had a lot of fun with the teens, even if they were older:)
  It is very hard to say good bye to some people, but I love seeing/meeting people on the next team. You have to give up one to get the other. There's the Pair-of-ducks again. Also I prod the team to come back next year:)

     The God given beauty of YS
And of course the fun